5 Android games you should be playing in 2022

Maybe you've been playing old games for long, you can try these new Interesting games in 2022.
Best Android games in 2022
Hands playing game

Android games can be described as one of the most played game among other smartphone games like iPhone, tablet, or iPad games. There are thousands of them, and people's choice depends on the game that's most engaging and entertaining.

According to Android police, the play store is useless for game discovery, especially when you're seeking for quality engaging games. So, to keep you away from this optionless pit, here are our top 5 best Android games you can begin playing in 2022.

Best 2022 Android Games

Here are list of best recommended games in 2022.


Samorost is an adventure game that was coded with quality graphics. Apart from that, the game is a super delightful point and click adventure game.

Your main character in the game is that you will be acting as a space gnome who travels and explores the cosmos using a magical flute.

Your main job is to protect the planetoids from getting smashed by a mad monk who uses a destructive hydraulic machine.

Slayaway Camp

Slayaway Camp is a puzzle game that's quite funny and silly. However, your main job in this horrible game is to help the character of the game - Skullface, slaughter cops and campers as you pass through many levels of gore.

Card thief

As the name implies, card thief is a card game that works like traditional Solitaire, like the one found on (4) Play Solitaire, only this time with a lot of sneaking and looting.

In the game - card thief and play solitaire, in your hidden space, you can unlock special equipment cards that are essential to improve your score and rank up to a master thief.

Play Solitaire

Play solitaire is a similar game to card thief. The main character in the games are the same with the it goals. If you remember making shadow figures on the wall with your hands as a kid.


This game is the digital version of Play solitaire and card thief. Inother words,  shadowmatic is also a card game, but instead of using hands, you'll use various types of hovering rubbles in the air to spin, twist, and rotate until you form a silhouette that resembles a real object related to the atmosphere.

Conclusion: best Android games in 2022

Up there are our top recommended best Android games you can start playing now. You can click on the highlighted links in the article to download and install these games.

However, if you have any game you enjoy playing or any suggestions, kindly publish it in the comments section. Thanks. Cheers!

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Hi, I'm Temmy Samuel - content writer and creator, influencer and networker. I have been a content writer and creator for close to four years. Basically, I put together insights of tech and help you connect with the information. Join me on my ne…

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