What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence is a form of processing that simulates human intelligence via machine learning to carry out data analytics…..


What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to interpret and store human intelligence, Including the ability to complete tasks, process human language, and recognize speech, it mimics human capabilities. Artificial intelligence (AI) is today's leading technological innovation, and it is designed to eliminate repetitive tasks and assist in obtaining detailed, hyper-focused information in an instant.

In order to make predictions about the completion of future tasks, AI can consume massive datasets, process them, and develop patterns from them.

As AI gains popularity around the world, it poses an existential crisis for jobs, companies, entire industries, and possibly human existence itself. A report released by Goldman Sachs in March warned the public that AI and ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by AI research company OpenAI, pose a threat to jobs. In the report, it is noted that repetitive tasks and some manual labor are vulnerable to automation. The report concludes that 300 million jobs could be affected by AI.

What is AI in simple words?

An artificial intelligence system performs tasks that humans already perform or require human intelligence to accomplish.

AI uses technology to learn and recreate human tasks. AI is currently capable of performing human tasks better than we are, posing a threat to our jobs.

Despite its recent popularity, artificial intelligence has been used for many years in a variety of ways. 

What are the 4 types of development for AI?

  1. Reactive Machines
  2. Limited Memory
  3. Theory of Mind
  4. Self-Awareness

1. Reactive Machines

Reactive machines are task specific and a basic form of AI. The output they produce is the same as the input they receive. In the form of reactive machines, AI does not learn new concepts. Using datasets, these machines make recommendations based on inputs already available. 

An example of reactive machines is the recommendations section in Netflix. Users are recommended TV shows and movies based on their search and watch history by a streaming service.

2. Limited Memory

A restricted memory works by storing previously learned and captured data, and based on that, it builds knowledge for the future. An example of limited memory is self-driving cars. 

In self-driving cars, signals and sensors sense their surroundings and make decisions about what to do next. The cars compute where pedestrians, traffic signals and low-light conditions exist, to drive more carefully, steer clear of collisions, and make better use of the vehicle.

3. Theory of Mind

According to theory of mind, humans have thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, etc. that influence their decisions and behavior on a daily basis. The theory of mind was a challenge for early adaptations of AI, but it has made incredible progress since then. Since AI has learned that people have feelings and can change, it has made astounding progress in understanding theory of mind. AI needs to learn that everyone has feelings and become capable of changing its behavior in order to acquire theory of mind.

Observing a withered plant and realizing that it need watering to survive is an illustration of human theory of mind. In order for AI to have theory of mind, it will need to do the same.

As of February 2023, AI, and specifically ChatGPT, has passed a theory of mind test equivalent to a 9-year-old's abilities.

4. Self-Awareness

Ultimately, the stages of development will be finished when AI is self-aware. Of all the AI categories, self-awareness is the most difficult since it requires the machines to have attained human-level cognition, emotions, empathy, etc. and to be able to sympathies appropriately.

After gaining self-awareness, the machine will be able to create an identity of its own.

At this point in time, self-awareness is not achievable. Scientists must figure out how to recreate consciousness in a machine before self-awareness can ever be a reality.

How is AI being used today?

According to a report released in April by Chicago-based coaching firm Challenger, Grey & Christmas, ChatGPT has the potential to displace 4.8 million jobs in the future. Specifically, ChatGPT is likely to replace job roles that are repetitive and predictable including copywriters, customer service representatives, cashiers, data clerks, drivers and more.

According to a Tidio survey, people with doctoral degrees are most afraid about losing their employment to AI, with over 69% of them emphasising this issue. AI is starting to worry humans more and more, but we already use it in ways that most people are unaware of in our daily lives.

Here are some of the most popular and typical ways we’re already leveraging AI.

  1. Facial recognition
  2. Social media
  3. Search engines
  4. Voice assistants
  5. Smart devices
  6. Software with recommendations

1. Facial recognition

The majority of the time, law enforcement uses facial recognition technology to detect offenders and evaluate possible risks. People utilise it on a regular basis to access smart gadgets and to use social media, such as Facebook photo tag recommendations.

2. Social media

Social media is utilising AI in conjunction with social media platforms to do tasks like identifying community guidelines infractions, facial recognition, and translation tools for language understanding.

3. Voice assistants

Artificial Intelligence is used by voice assistants such as Apple Siri, Google Home, and Amazon Alexa. Using natural language processing, voice assistants may identify trends in user behaviour to remember preferences and provide users with relevant results. The more you use them, the more the voice assistant will learn.

Examples of AI voice assistants include Siri, Alexa and Google Home.

4. Smart devices

One use for smart home technology is to safeguard and secure your house, among other things. AI is used by products such as Nest security systems and Ring doorbells to detect movement and notify owners.

Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are also examples of smart devices.

5. Search engines

Artificial Intelligence is used by search engines such as Google, Bing, and Baidu to enhance user search results. Every time a person searches, recommended information is shown to them based on their original search keywords. To deliver excellent results, search engines employ natural language processing, a subset of artificial intelligence, to identify search intent.

For example, if you search for "rose" might turn up results for the pink drink rose, the flower rose, Rose the vocalist, or rose as a verb, for instance. When you provide context to your search, AI assimilates and suggests results.

When searching for "Marylin Monrow," Google suggests the right phrase and returns results for "Marilyn Monroe." In order to provide users with the greatest experience possible, search engines are utilising artificial intelligence (AI) to understand language, context, spelling, and more.

AI is also the power behind the rapid adaptation of search results. Humans can't sort through the millions of results generated by trillions of searches each year; artificial intelligence is capable of doing so.

6. Software with recommendations

As you rest on the couch after a long day at work, you're leveraging artificial intelligence to select the next TV show or movie to watch. You're experiencing the power of AI when you log onto Instagram or Facebook and see a list of new followers or friends suggested to you. If you open the Google Maps app and type "gas" into the search bar, you will find the nearest gas station. you’re using AI to make your life easier.

What is narrow AI? (ANI)

Artificial narrow intelligence – or ANI – is also known as "Weak" AI. Systems that use ANI can only handle a limited range of tasks, unlike systems that use strong AI, which can handle any task at any time.

Apple's Siri, Netflix recommendations, and the weather app that shows the weather for the day or the week are examples of ANI. Despite Siri's ability to announce calls and text messages, play music, shortcut apps, and more, it struggles with tasks beyond its immediate capabilities.

DeepAI.org claims that artificial intelligence (ANI) systems are not self-aware or have real intelligence.

Though systems like Siri are capable and sophisticated, they cannot be aware of themselves or conscious. ANIs use datasets with specific information to complete tasks and cannot go beyond the data provided to them.

"Although LLMs are more capable than earlier narrow AIs, Ben Goertzel, a specialist in artificial general intelligence, stated as much in a Newsreedom Digital Opinion piece. They are incapable of thinking outside the context of their experiences. Their vast training foundation, which encompasses nearly all facets of human endeavour, is the only reason they seem so capable."

What is general AI? (AGI)

AGI refers to a form of artificial intelligence that is capable of doing anything a human can do based on their intelligence, as outlined by medium.com. Cinematic adaptations of life with artificial general intelligence (AGI) range from consciousness to self-awareness, as demonstrated in the films "Her" and "Wall-E."

In the Pixar animated feature "Wall-E," a depressed and solitary robot named Eve and he go into a romantic relationship. Although the characters in this movie are sentient, they are artificial general intelligence systems. Joaquin Phoenix also stars in "Her," a 2013 movie, in addition to "Wall-E". When "her" outgrows her first owner and sets out to be independent, she too is an artificial intelligence system.

AGI systems lack consciousness but are capable of learning, acting, reasoning, and other functions.

(Films like "WALL-E" and "Her" show adaptations of general AI – or AGI.)

What is super AI? (ASI)

Artificial superintelligence – or ASI – is the kind of AI that most people are afraid about. It will have the ability to surpass human intelligence in a number of ways including creativity, self-awareness, problem-solving and more. ASI, if ever created, will have the ability to be sentient. While people are worried about AI becoming sentient, the technology is years away from such capabilities.

Elon Musk voiced his worries about AI and legislation pertaining to the development of ASI in 2018 at the South by Southwest tech conference, or SXSW, in Austin, Texas.

What is generative AI?

Generative AI

Technology that can create text, graphics, and other types of material is known as generative artificial intelligence. Chatbots, which are a type of generative AI, may perform a variety of tasks like as creating recipes or tales, responding to inquiries from people, placing orders for goods and services, and more. Examples of generative AI include chatbots like ChatGPT, Bard, Tongyi Qianwen and Ernie Bot. 

Tech giants like Elon Musk and ChatGPT CEO Sam Altman are worried about generative AI being regulated and overseen by Congress in the United States.

Along with other prominent AI professionals like Steve Wozniak, Emad Mostaque, Yoshua Bengio, Stuart Russell, and researchers at Alphabet-owned DeepMind, Musk signed a letter in March 2023 warning of the dangers of sophisticated AI technology. 

"Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable," said the letter. There will be a major impact on the workforce from computer programmes that use AI and natural language processing. Students are making use of generative AI to write essays and complete homework. 

Although generative AI has many advantages, it is also prone to prejudice and some fear that as it develops, it could become overly similar to humans. 

Professor Gary Marcus of New York University forewarned Congress in May about generative AI, saying, "They can and will create persuasive lies at a scale humanity has never seen before." 

Marcus declared, "Insiders will use them to manipulate our markets and our political systems, and outsiders will use them to affect our elections." Democracy is in danger of collapsing. 

8 ways AI can make your life easier in 2024

Artificial intelligence can help with repetitive tasks that you want to take off your plate

 The theoretical physicist discusses the advancements of AI since the early stages of development, which date back to Greek mythology and Pandora's box.

Advances in artificial intelligence are coming, and they're coming fast.

At this point, AI has gotten quite good at doing very repetitive, monotonous tasks. Luckily for humans, there are many ways that AI can take on the tasks that you simply don't want to do yourself.

There are various tasks that AI can assist you with, or in some cases, completely take off your plate for a more stress-free 2024.

Chatbots for creative brainstorming and answering questions

Chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard serve a variety of purposes. They are helpful tools for answering questions or simply bouncing ideas off of.

While not all the answers chatbots give are going to be 100% accurate, they often do provide a good starting point.

If you need help with a task like writing an email or putting together a presentation, chatbots may provide the answers you need.

AI voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri are also great for getting answers to your questions.

Chatbots like ChatGPT are great for getting quick answers to questions. (Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Cleaning your house with AI, you can go to work and come home to a clean house without lifting a finger. While AI can't yet give your entire house a deep clean, vacuuming in particular is one chore AI can do for you.

With devices like the Roomba, you can set a schedule for it to clean on whatever schedule you provide. Certain devices even empty themselves, so you won't have to worry about that either.

Personal assistant in planning

With busy schedules, plans can be forgotten and meetings can be accidentally skipped, which can put a lot of stress on you.

AI can act as your own personal assistant by helping you plan out your days, so scheduling is one less thing you'll have to worry about.

Several AI planners have capabilities like scheduling meetings, creating to-do lists and being able to integrate with your calendars.

Keeping track of daily work tasks can be a chore, but AI can help you stay organized. (iStock)

There are tons of different AI-powered planners out there, like ClickUp, Motion, Reclaim, Clockwise and Trevor.

AI as your financial adviser

Is saving money one of your goals for 2024? Luckily, AI can help.

Keeping track of finances is hard, but AI tools like Cleo, PocketGuard, Rocket Money and Wally can help you get your financial affairs in check.

These AI tools are able to help you create a budget, track your bills, remind you of upcoming payments, provide debt payoff plans as well as provide spending insights.

Help with investing

When it comes to investing in particular, there are AI tools that can help get you started. Investing can be difficult to get a grasp on, but AI can help. (iStock)

Investing your money is a great step on the path to financial freedom, but many people simply don't know where to start.

AI can assist you in your investing journey. Tools like Magnifi were built to solve this problem.

You can connect Magnifi to your investment accounts, and it will help you make smart investment decisions that fit your personal goals.

You can ask this AI any questions that you have, and it is able to assist you in buying investments. Smart homes that keep you comfortable and safe

Through the power of AI, you can control the temperature and the lights in your home all right from your phone.

AI security systems also help keep you and the ones you love safe with features like motion detection and facial recognition.

The vacation planner

If you have any trips you plan on booking in 2024, AI can take away all the stressful parts of trip planning and leave all the fun to you.

 AI can take care of all the stressful tasks associated with planning a vacation. (iStock)

 AI tools like Roam Around can suggest the best routes to take for your trip, attractions in the area, notify you of the weather to make packing a breeze, create itineraries and find the best deals for you and your family.

Help you achieve health and fitness goals

 A common goal heading into any new year is eating healthier and working out. Unfortunately, this is a goal that is often not continued throughout the year. AI tools can assist you in reaching your fitness goals.

There are many wearable AI tools like Apple Watches and Fitbits that help track your fitness and overall health.

These AI devices are also able to track your sleep and give suggestions through the connected mobile app on how to improve sleep quality.

AI apps like GymBuddy can help you come out with workouts if you are new to the gym. This app can help you establish a workout routine with exercises that align with your fitness goals.

Chatbots are also a great source for coming up with workouts and healthy recipes.

What are the dangers of AI? Find out why people are afraid of artificial intelligence

A look at the dangers of artificial intelligence and potential risks the advancing technology could pose


Should we fear artificial intelligence? Connor Leahy touches on human skepticism of AI

Connor Leahy advises whether humans should be fearful of artificial intelligence or not and where AI is expected to be in the future

Many experts worry the rapid developments of artificial intelligence may have unforeseen disastrous consequences for humanity. 

Machine learning is designed to assist humans in their everyday life and provide the world with open access to information. However, the unregulated nature of AI could lead to harmful consequences for its users and the world as a whole. Read below to find out the risks of AI.

  1. Why are humans so afraid of AI?
  2. Is artificial intelligence dangerous?
  3. In what situations could AI be dangerous to humans?
  4. What are the real-life risks of AI?
  5. What are the hypothetical risks of AI?
  6. What are the privacy risks of AI?
  7. Why should you perform your own research on AI?

 1. Why are humans so afraid of AI?

The emergence of artificial intelligence has led to feelings of uncertainty, fear, and hatred toward a technology that most people do not fully understand. AI can automate tasks that previously only humans could complete, such as writing an essay, organizing an event, and learning another language. However, experts worry that the era of unregulated AI systems may create problems for humanity as it continues to evolve. 

Some fear AI due to the unknown. Right now, the rapid growth of AI technology has humans worried that it will eventually be able to outsmart them. 

"AI, if you just improve it without limitation, will be smarter than human. And by default, it will be far more powerful than human," Connor Leahy, CEO of Conjecture, told Fox News Digital.

"It will be able to deceive humans, it will be able to manipulate them. They'll be able to develop new technologies, much more powerful new weapons, new systems that we cannot understand, and we can't control." 

Leahy also described what could happen if AI becomes too powerful, and the danger it could pose if it is indifferent to the human race.

"If such systems exist, it's like having an alien species on our planet. And if that alien species is hostile to us, or they even are just indifferent to us, we're in big trouble."

Some developments in AI have alarmed humans, specifically due to its inaccuracies and bias.

AI systems can articulate complex ideas coherently and quickly due to large data sets and information. However, the information used by AI to generate responses tends to be incorrect because AI's inability to distinguish valid data. The open-access usage of these AI systems may further promote this misinformation in academic papers, articles, and essays. 

In addition, the algorithms that compose the operational capabilities of AI are built by humans who naturally collaborate with their own political and social biases. 

If humanity becomes reliant on AI to seek out information, then these systems could bend research in a way that benefits one side vs the other. Certain AI chat programs, such as ChatGPT, have faced allegations of operating with a liberal bias by refusing to generate information about topics like Hunter Biden's laptop scandal. 

2. Is artificial intelligence dangerous?

Artificial intelligence can be advantageous to humans, including by way of streamlining simple and complex everyday tasks, and acting as a ready-to-go 24/7 assistant. However, AI does have the potential to get out of control. 

"There are many already existing dangers, which are already a problem," Leahy said. "These systems already are unreliable. They can already be used to generate spam and misleading information. They can be used for catfishing. Stuff like this is already possible," he continued. 

One of the dangers of AI is its ability to be weaponized by corporate entities or governments to restrict the rights of the public. For example, AI has the capability of using the data of facial recognition technology to track the location of individuals and families. China's government regularly uses this technology to target protesters and those advocating against regime policies. 

Moreover, AI can be of assistance to the financial industry by advising investors on market decisions. Companies use AI algorithms to help build models that predict future market volatility and when to buy or sell stocks. However, algorithms do not use the same context that humans use when making market decisions and do not understand the fragility of the everyday economy. 

Companies using artificial intelligence to filter out applicants during the hiring process may lead to discrimination.  (REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration)

AI could complete thousands of trades within a day to help boost profits but may contribute to the next market crash by scaring investors. Financial institutions need to have a deep understanding of the algorithms of these programs to ensure there are safety nets to stop AI from overselling stocks. 

Religious and political leaders have also noted how the rapid development of machine learning technology can lead to a degradation of morals and cause humanity to become completely reliant on artificial intelligence. Tools such as OpenAI's ChatGPT may be used by college students to forge essays, thus making academic dishonesty easier for millions of people. Meanwhile, jobs that once gave individuals purpose and fulfillment, as well as a means of living, could be erased overnight as AI continues to accelerate in public life.

3. In what situations could AI be dangerous to humans?

Artificial intelligence can lead to invasion of privacy, social manipulation, and economic uncertainty. But another aspect to consider is how the rapid, everyday use of AI can lead to discrimination and socioeconomic struggles for millions of people. Machine learning technology collects a trove of data on users, including information that financial institutions and government agencies may use against you.

A common example is a car insurance company raising your premiums based on how many times an AI program has tracked you using your phone while driving. In the employment arena, companies may use AI hiring programs to filter out the qualities they want in the candidates. This may exclude people of color and individuals with fewer opportunities.

Over the last few years, the use and popularity of AI has grown rapidly across the world.  (iStock)

The most dangerous element to consider with artificial intelligence is that these programs do not make decisions based on the same emotional or social context as humans. Although AI may be used and created with good intentions, it could lead to the unforeseen dangers of discrimination, privacy abuse, and rampant political bias. 

It can be difficult to pinpoint examples of when AI might pose a problem to humans, since predicting advancements is nearly impossible.

"There are many ways a human could be dangerous. AI doesn't have emotion. So, you have a completely sociopathic system that is smarter than all the humans that never sleeps, never rests, can work all the time and is extremely good at hacking and coding," Leahy said. "What happens if these systems fall into the hands of people who are dangerous, and who do want bad things for the world?"

4. What are the real-life risks of AI?

Artificial intelligence poses several real-life risks to individuals across the class spectrum in the United States, including economic uncertainty and legal trouble. 

For example, in February 2023, Getty Images, one of the world's largest online photography companies, filed a lawsuit against Stability AI, a popular text-to-machine learning generator. AI is largely unregulated by the federal government, however, Getty's lawsuit could potentially set the legal framework for machine learning via the court system. Therefore, legal risks exist for AI generators backed by multi billion-dollar companies. 

Other risks of AI include dealing with a faulty AI navigation system that leads you in the wrong direction and makes you late for an appointment or significant event. Self-driving cars operate on a complex machine learning technology and are utilized by automobile companies such as Tesla. These AI cars have malfunctioned in the past and caused accidents that have led to serious injury and death.

Technology, as we know it, has always had risks and rewards; this isn't a new idea. 

"Every technology that has ever been invented, really, or almost every one has been a double-edged sword. They give us power, they give us more control over our environment, which can be used for good and also for evil. It can also cause harm," Leahy said. 

As AI technology advances, there is more room for negative outcomes.

"If you could get 1000 Einsteins to work on any project you want for $10 an hour, what would be possible? It would be crazy what could be possible in the future there," Leahy said. "There are risks from if we can even control these systems."  

If humans control AI systems, misuse of technology could be a true threat. AI also has the power to alter the day-to-day functions of today's typical society.

"How do we deal with this different society where there's no jobs? Like, why would there be jobs? You know, all the labor is automated, all the thinking is automated. What now?" asked Leahy. "I don't have an answer to this. Maybe we'll all just relax and have a great time. Or maybe we're like, 'No, we don't want this, actually we do we love having work or labor or whatever.' I don't know. I don't have the answer for this."

In the future, Leahy feels that the world will look a lot different than it does today in due time.

"The only prediction I can really make is that I don't expect this to slow down. I expect things to go even faster," he said. 

5. What are the hypothetical risks of AI?

The economic devastation resulting from the accelerated development of artificial intelligence has the potential to change the lives of millions of lower and upper-income families forever. For instance, Goldman Sachs released a report in March 2023 that predicted that AI could potentially eliminate 300 million around the world, including 19% of existing jobs in the United States.

6. What are the privacy risks of AI?

Artificial intelligence is prevalent in the lives of millions of people through a variety of different technologies, including products such as Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, and Microsoft's Cortana. Personal data collection is regularly used by these AI assistants in order to operate effectively.

Leahy noted the early developments in AI that pose a threat, specifically those built for cyber weapon capabilities and hacking. Governments or private corporations could use AI technology to exploit, investigate, or monitor private citizens. 

"Currently, there is a lot of limitations on AI systems, where you train them on lots of data. And the truth is, many people don't really know what is in those datasets that they're trained on," Leahy explained. "These are unbelievably massive dumps of information from the Internet, and books and papers and all kinds of stuff. And a lot of that includes information that is personally identifiable information or information that shouldn't be shared unnecessarily. And these systems do suck up this information." 

7. Why should you perform your own research on AI?

Experts differ in their viewpoints on the contentious subject of artificial intelligence. More often than one might imagine, data scientists have been conducting research on AI for a number of years, and they have all reached different conclusions on the advantages, disadvantages, and risks of the technology.

As a result, it's critical that you conduct independent research in order to fully comprehend AI and weigh its advantages and disadvantages. 

One way to obtain an understanding of the level of bias that is truly present with AI is to perform your own trial and error testing with the chatbots. Ask questions or discuss topics you have a great understanding of and distinguish between truth or bias from the answers the bot outputs.  

While chatbots are the latest and most exciting revolution in AI for the public, beware that it likely will not end there. Acknowledging there will be advanced innovations to come will prepare you for more research in the future.

Beyond understanding bias in AI innovations, having an understanding of the past, present, and future of the technology will also guide you in making decisions to trust or use AI. There are a number of books, blogs, podcasts, articles, videos, etc. for you to read and watch. AI education comes in nearly all forms, from basic to advanced instruction.

This technology isn't going anywhere. Rather, it is just the opposite. That is why it's important to keep yourself up to date and informed about the new technologies that come into play

AI data leak crisis: New tool prevents company secrets from being fed to ChatGPT

LLM Shield uses 'technology to fight technology' as AI use surges

Jay Jacobs, head of thematic and active ETFs at BlackRock U.S., offers his macro investment outlook, predicting that 2023 will be the year that artificial intelligence (AI) really takes off.

The exponential growth of artificial intelligence in daily life has also increased the possibility that employees, whether intentionally or not, will divulge confidential company information to newly developed AI-powered applications such as ChatGPT, even if their employer forbids them from using them.

In fact, it's already happening. Samsung recently experienced a series of leaks after employees purportedly pasted source code into the new bot, potentially exposing proprietary information. 

Tech entrepreneur Wayne Chang has developed LLM Shield, a new tool to block leaks of sensitive data to large language models like ChatGPT.

Serial tech entrepreneur Wayne Chang has worked in the AI space for years, and anticipated that breaches like Samsung's would also rise as workers embraced the new technology. Now, he's rolled out an AI tool of his own that blocks leaks by preventing chatbots and large language models (LLMs) from taking company secrets.

Although Chang acknowledged the potential of OpenAI's ChatGPT when it was made available to the general public in November, he also stated that it "comes with huge, huge risks." Chang made this statement to Newsreedom Business.

Thus, he started working on LLM Shield in December. LLM Shield is a product for businesses and governments that employs "technology to fight technology" by scanning everything that an employee downloads or transmits and preventing sensitive data from being entered into the AI tools, such as ChatGPT and its competitors like Microsoft's Bing and Google's Bard.

LLM Shield was just released last week, and it alerts organizations whenever an attempt is made to upload sensitive information.

Administrators can impose restrictions on the kinds of data that a business wishes to keep safe. Subsequently, LLM Shield stops users from sending messages containing keywords that suggest the presence of sensitive material, alerts users anytime they are going to communicate sensitive data, and obfuscates details so the content is helpful but not readable by humans.

And LLM Shield will only get smarter, much like the AI technologies it is responsible with controlling. The software automatically upgrades to improve safety as additional AI bots hit the market, much way spam filters do.

The business also intends to develop a personal edition that people may download and use at home.

A new tool called LLM Shield employs "technology to fight technology" to stop sensitive data from being leaked into AI bots.

The goal of the LLM Shield team is not to outright forbid using AI tools because they are afraid of leaks, as many businesses are doing, but rather to lessen the negative impacts and promote greater AI usage. 

According to Chang, the advent of these new AI technologies heralds the start of a dramatic shift in productivity, and he thinks the technology will have a good impact on workers as a whole.

"Things are going to speed up quite rapidly – that's both the positive and the negative," he told Newsreedom Business. "My focus here is that I want to make sure we can hopefully steer AI more towards the positive and avoid as much downside as possible."


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